Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr

ObjCreate with Firefox in AutoIt

AutoIt's 'compile to.exe' feature can be used to make this an executable. In the process of both of these projects, I have written dozens of different scripts. I have been off and on in my AutoIt forum activity. I have faced a variety of challenges in installer behavior. ) Sleep (1000) WEnd Func close AdlibUnRegister ('close'); unregister func so it won't close program after next 1h 15m If ProcessExists ('iexplore.exe') Then ProcessClose ('iexplore.exe') EndIf EndFunc. Sahi will work on windows which have html content in it. If you are opening a PDF, it may not be possible to close it, unless you open the pdf in an iframe inside another window. You could try calling an external program to close it though. (You can try using AutoIt or some simple VBScript to close it) Regards, Narayan.


Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software is the free global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. And now, it's connected to the Adobe Document Cloud − making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices. Adobe Acrobat Reader – 19.021.20049 is available Adobe Creative Cloud – is available Amazon Workspaces Client – 2.5.11 is available Apple iTunes – is available Firefox – 70.0.1 is available Google Chrome – 78.0.3904.97 is available Google Chrome – 78.0.3904.108 is available Google Chrome – Open Task Manager.

First you need to download Mozilla ActiveX control. Example usage code: #include <GUIConstants.au3> $oFF = ObjCreate('Mozilla.Browser.1') ; Create a simple GUI for our output GUICreate ( 'FF Embedded Web control Test', 640, 580,(@DesktopWidth-640)/2, (@DesktopHeight-580)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj ( $oFF, 10, 40 , 600 ,..

autoit: Detecting window screen resolution in an If statement

If you are looking for the desktop resolution then there are macros for that purpose: @DesktopWidth and @DesktopHeight. However, your code is not working because of a syntax error. Look again at what you are doing with the If test - the & operator is for string concatenation! You were..

Selenium webdriver - unable to upload file with AutoIT


The type of the input control is file and therefore, using the below line to upload a file should work. WebElement e = driver.findElement('the id')); e.sendKeys('file path'); ..

Converting 8 digit hexadecimal number to decimal


As per AutoIt documentation - Language Reference - Datatypes: In AutoIt there is only one datatype called a Variant. A variant can contain numeric or string data and decides how to use the data depending on the situation it is being used in. Issuing ConsoleWrite(0x00200000 & @LF) demonstrates stated behavior..

I want my script to give popup automatically after 3 hours? how can do it?

Here you go. It will notify you every 3 hours. #include <Date.au3> Global $ini = 'ini.ini' If _AlreadyRunToday() Then MsgBox (0, 'Total hours', _Format(_Diff())) Else __SetTime() EndIf __SetDate() While True Sleep(3 * 60 * 60 * 1000) ; Sleep for 3 hours MsgBox (0, 'Total hours', _Format(_Diff()), 60) WEnd Func..

Close windows in reverse order of creation

You can try to get it by the process. The function below will return the z-order of the windows, as far as I know, without you tracking the 'creation time' of the windows themselves from within your own code, you won't get a solution that can do that. #include <WinAPIProc.au3>..

AutoIt - Compiler warning when using Global variable in a function


Firstly, this warning is reported by Au3Check.exe, a program that is separate from the AutoIt compiler itself. You'll find that your program will still compile/run after this warning is printed. One possible solution is to just ignore it, or not run Au3Check on your code (not recommended). Your code will..

Building an automated script to copy a page of text, translate it in Google Translator and paste it in Word


As an AutoIt user I would say AutoIt. Copying text out of PDFs is not quite as simple as you might imagine. Mileage will vary on how the PDF was created, and there are several methods you can use: Most PDFs will have most of the text in the file..

Remove the 11. value of string if exists


Solved: $line = StringSplit($tmp_line, ',') $count_values = Ubound($line) If $count_values = 14 Then $new_line = $line[1] & ',' & $line[2] & ',' & $line[3] & ',' & $line[4] & ',' & $line[5] & ',' & $line[6] & ',' & $line[7] & ',' & $line[8] & ',' & $line[9] & ','..

AutoIt GUICtrlRead Specials characters

From the help file: Send() Sends simulated keystrokes to the active window. Send ( 'keys' [, flag] ) Parameters keys - The sequence of keys to send. flag [optional] - Changes how 'keys' is processed: flag = 0 (default), Text contains special characters like + and ! to indicate SHIFT..

How to change system localization through AutoIt?


Just use RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelInternational', 'sThousand', 'REG_SZ', '.') to change this setting directly. You can find a good explanation for these values at windowsitpro. Maybe you want to change 'sDecimal' as well?

Is there a way to use PrintWindow with a control? (using AutoIt)


I have this little piece of script but when I use PrintWindow it's only returning a black capture: First of all, I do not know the language you use, but your code and question is clear enough for me to try to offer the solution. Right off the bat,..

Can I make _Assert write to console instead of a message box?


Desired behavior can not be achieved using _Assert. However, _Assert can be adjusted to do so (replaced MsgBox by ConsoleWrite): Func _AssertCustom($sCondition, $bExit = True, $nCode = 0x7FFFFFFF, $sLine = @ScriptLineNumber, Const $iCurERR = @error, Const $iCurEXT = @extended) Local $bCondition = Execute($sCondition) If Not $bCondition Then ConsoleWrite('Assertion Failed (Line..

How to empty the description of a file while compiling with AutoItWrapper


Looking at the AutoIt3Wrapper source code, which is provided in the installation, the following line (line 2326 in my installation) reads: If $INP_Description = ' Then $INP_Description = FileGetVersion($AutoItBin, 'FileDescription') I believe that to be the source of the Aut2Exe description. How to force the description to be blank is..

2D grid image values to 2D array


looks like you have the view with fixed angles create function that converts screen position to grid position and back it should be easy just 2x linear interpolation if the camera pan is not with cell based step then you need the corner point of grid lines and use..

Want AutoIt3 HotKeySet to Emulate AutoHotKey Application Filtering


In case the GUI you are trying to control is your own GUI: If you want hotkeys that are not system wide, you should use GUISetAccelerators ( accelerators [, winhandle] ) GUISetAccelerators Sets the accelerator table to be used in a GUI window. Parameters accelerators A 2 dimensional array holding..

RegEx stops working when adding too many characters


For everyone too lazy to take a look at the comments: this is the solution l'L'l came up with, with some tweaking by me: (?:BEGIN:VEVENT)[n(.+?)[.(?:END:VEVENT)..

Autoit replace string in multiple text files


FileFindFirstFile supports wildcards. Note that the function returns a file handle which could then be used in your FileOpen call.

How can I bring a process window to the front using AutoIt3?


EDITED: If process is running, bring it to front maximized and perform mouse click. If process is not running, run process and cache it's id, get process by that id, bring it to front and wait for 10 seconds before performing mouse click. I tried this out and is working..

New to autoit, what is wrong with this variable?


There are a number of logic issues with the code, that makes it a little tricky to follow. The error in this case is almost certainly caused because 'id.txt' exists, and so $iFileExists evaluates to true, and the global variable is never created. Then you are creating a new 'id.txt',..

AutoIT WinWaitActive doesn't uderstands that window is active

Does this help? #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> $handle = WinGetHandle('[Active]') ConsoleWrite('!Title : ' & WinGetTitle($handle) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('!Process : ' & WinGetProcess($handle) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('!Text : ' & WinGetText($handle) & @CRLF) Sleep(Random(10, 3000, 1)) If WinActive($handle) Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, ', 'WinActive' & @CRLF & 'Scite ') ..

Autoit: How do I store a changing webpage in a variable?


From the Help File: #include <IE.au3> _IEGetObjByName ( ByRef $oObject, $sName [, $iIndex = 0] ) $oObject Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object $sName Specifies name of the object you wish to match $iIndex If name occurs more than once, specifies instance by 0-based index 0 (Default)..

Create empty array inside Scripting.Dictionary object using AutoIt


There is no way to create an array within a dictionary object, except by using a function that returns an array (StringSplit is a common choice). Passing a dictionary item ByRef like that is interesting. Because you have to enclose it in parenthesis (like ($dict.Item('foo'))) it evaluates the expression, so.. Sam cooke a chang is gonna come lyrics downloadrdyellow.

how to read a Digit from bmp image in Autoit [duplicate]


Maybe you should just try to read everything you need from the memory (There was an awesome lib for that but I'm not able to find it ATM). It has much better performance. If it's desperately needed to read it from the image, try this: Or How to recognise..

AutoIt in Window 8.1: AutoIt can't control target app (DVD-lab v 1.6)


I downloaded the most recent version of DVD-lab (2.0) and my script worked fine after making the adjustments to the GUI changes in version 2.0. The version 2.0 of the program did NOT need to be installed using compatibility mode. It appears that the app installed in 'compatibility mode' resists..

Autoit run a function if key pressed three times in a limited amount of time


This could be what you are looking for. HotKeySet('a', 'pressed') Dim $i = 0, $PushTime = 1000 While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func pressed() $i += 1 Sleep($PushTime) Switch $i Case 1 put(1) Case 2 put(2) Case 3 put(3) Case 4 Exit (0) EndSwitch $i = 0 EndFunc ;>pressed Func put($y)..

AutoIT Script to Handle Chrome Authentication Window




(This was solved in the comments but I'm copying the answer here for future readers.) It appears that the WinWaitActive command is never finding the login prompt that you're looking for. On Chrome 40 on Windows 7, the login prompt's only visible text is Chrome Legacy Window, not Authentication Required..

How to right click on a file present in a directory using AutoIT?


Try this: #include<GUIListView.au3> Local $filepath = 'C:Windowsaddins' Local $iPid = Run('explorer.exe /n,/e,/select,' & $filepath) ProcessWait($iPid) Sleep(1000) Send('+{F10}') ..

Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr

How to open Windows Explorer by pressing “WIN + E” key using AutoIt


You can use the funcion Send with the '#' character to emulate the win+e: Send('#e') ..

How to get text from Authentication window in Browsers


You can NOT auth with this window. But you can auth without getting this window. Try change URL to: http://user:[email protected] if this will not help, you need to create separated profile in browser, pass authentification on this server and remember password and use this profile in selenium..

How to click on Systemtray program through AutoITx in java?

I achieved this using below code: public static void Func_LaunchSystrayProgram() throws IOException { try { AutoItX objX = new AutoItX(); int indexinSystray = 3; boolean resultflag = false; Thread.sleep(2000); boolean isfocus = objX.controlFocus( '[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]', 'User Promoted Notification Area', '[CLASS:ToolbarWindow32]'); objX.sleep(2000); System.out.println('isfocus:' + isfocus); if (isfocus true) { for (int..

AutoIT script - Compare Paint's Rotated Image with GDI's rotated image


I think $GDIP_PXF08INDEXED is modifying the images differently. Try it without setting it and it should work. Furthermore, you can use this code to flip the image: $hImage1 = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & 'Picture1.gif') _GDIPlus_ImageRotateFlip($hImage1, 1) ;90° _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage1, @ScriptDir & 'out.gif') _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage1) Br, UEZ..

How do I execute a web browser (IE) and have it access a URL from an input box?

Your Run() command is incorrect. The second parameter of Run() is not for command lines, you may be thinking of ShellExecute(). So: Run('C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe', $inputBox) Might become: Run('C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe' ' & '' & $inputBox & '') Note I wrapped it in quotes because it does/may contain spaces which..

Array in Array PHP to Autoit


It seams that you cannot create the same structure on AutoIt because demonstrated structure could be represented with hashmap(php's arrays are hashmap) only. And AutoIt has none of any datatype that related to hashmap (arrays only). But you could try to find (or write) library which provides bunch of functions..

Can't figure out how to declare a string array on multiple lines


Put a space before each underscore and define amount of items: Local $acceptable[3] = ['Chrome', _ 'Firefox', _ 'IE'] For $i = 0 To UBound($acceptable) -1 ConsoleWrite($acceptable[$i] & @LF) Next ..

Pass arguments to AutoIt script (.au3 ) complied script (.exe)

It should work if you concatenate the commandline parameter with the send String as follows: Send('2{TAB}' & $CmdLine[1]) ..

Can't use Class to automate Windows file upload using AutoIt


You need to set WinTitleMatchMode option to 4 if you want to use advanced title matching (eg. CLASS). #RequireAdmin ;Will give your script a permission elevation (sometimes its needed) Opt('WinTitleMatchMode', 4) ;1=start, 2=subStr, 3=exact, 4=advanced, -1 to -4=Nocase Opt('WinSearchChildren', 1) ;0=no, 1=search children also ControlFocus('[CLASS:#32770]',','Edit1') ControlSetText('[CLASS:#32770]', ', 'Edit1', 'SomeFile.txt') ControlClick('[CLASS:#32770]',..

How to create Hotkey that adds brackets using AutoHotKey


^(:: SendInput, ^c Sleep 10 Clipboard = (%Clipboard%) SendInput, ^v return This implies that you are actually pressing CTRL+SHIFT+9 (since you don't have a ( key). I did a quick test and it will add round brackets to anything you highlight. I would recommend tweaking the trigger key since CTRL+SHIFT+9..

Automated test between Win-app and Web-app


As you want to automate both Windows and web application. I would suggest to go with Sikuli for Windows (non-web-) Applications. Sikuli automates anything you see on the screen. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. And most people are combining Selenium and Sikuli for their automation..

Is there any way to execute an AutoIt code from eclipse?


You should use library AutoItX4Java, it allows to execute AutoIt commands in Java. You need to install AutoIt and use the library Java COM Bridge, then you can program directly in Java. I made a post on my site a while ago, but here is a simple example: File file..

Cannot install AutoIT library for Robot Framework


I'll fix this problem by installing AutoIT on local computer (log to computer by local account) not member of domain(log with domain). And it's solved.

How to check if a file has overlay icon in Windows 7 using AutoIt


Take a look at _ImageSearch library. Do a printscreen with icon with overlay visible and then cut the small inner piece of the overlay and save it as a BMP. Then use that image along with _ImageSearch..

how to add a folder to 7z archive using 7za


Do you have ever read the help page Command Line Syntax? Open help of 7-Zip by double clicking on 7zip.chm, click on tab Contents, open Command Line Version and click on item Syntax. 7za <command> [<switch>..] <base_archive_name> [<arguments>..] <arguments> ::= <switch> | <wildcard> | <filename> | <list_file> <switch>::= <switch_symbol><switch_characters>[<option>] <switch_symbol>..

regarding on opening a custom file in notepad++

The help file has your answer, $sTextFile='first.uvproj' Run ( 'notepad.exe ' & $sTextFile, @WindowsDir, @SW_MAXIMIZE ) WinWaitActive('Untitled - Notepad') Send('This is some text.') WinClose('Untitled - Notepad') WinWaitActive('[CLASS:Notepad]', ', 10) WinClose('[CLASS:Notepad]') $sTextFile='second.uvproj' Run ( 'notepad.exe ' & $sTextFile, @WindowsDir, @SW_MAXIMIZE ) WinWaitActive('Untitled - Notepad') Send('This is some text.') WinClose('Untitled - Notepad')..

AutoItX functions not working properly with Selenium WebDriver in java in eclipse


I have successfully resolved this issue. Needed to add @SW_SHOW tag in'notepad.exe'); command. i.e.'notepad.exe',',AutoItX.SW_SHOW);.

autoit Not getting random click on IE embedded version


There, its fixed. #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <IE.au3> _IEErrorHandlerRegister() $width = 800 $height = 600 Local $oIE = _IECreateEmbedded() $hMain=GUICreate('TEST',800,600,@DesktopWidth/2-$width/2,@DesktopHeight/2-$height/2, _ $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS + $WS_CLIPCHILDREN) GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 0, 0, $width+3, $height+20) GUISetState() ;Show GUI _IENavigate($oIE, '') Local $oLinks = _IELinkGetCollection($oIE) Local $iNumLinks = @extended..

Not able to open notepad using autoit with python


Try to do something like this: Open a command prompt window (cmd) as an administrator Go to AutoItX directory (default on Windows 7 : cd C:Program Files (x86)AutoIt3AutoItX) Type these two commands : regsvr32.exe AutoItX3.dll regsvr32.exe AutoItX3_x64.dll Then, try so: import win32com.client autoit = win32com.client.Dispatch('AutoItX3.Control') #Run(program, workingdir, show_flag) autoit.Run('notepad.exe',',5) Description..

autoit 2-D array count quantity

Is this what you want? #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $result_A[1][2] Example() Func Example() Local $lines_A = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & 'ArrayCount.txt') If @error Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, ', 'There was an error reading the file. @error: ' & @error) ; An error occurred reading the current script file. Else For $i = 0..

Not returning back to selenium after successful execution of autoit


When i tried to do download manually ,after clicking on save the pop up closes automatically.but while running the script after clicking on save the window was not closed by itself.When i closed the window through script it started working. WinClose('window title') The script was hanging at that point. Issue..

AutoIt to act as virtual server - is it possible?


Since you're not asking how (I can't think of legitimate uses), the answer is 'Yes it is possible using AutoIt (assuming TCP or UDP protocol is used)'. You will not find examples though..


find all _stringbetween occurrences within a webpage


The _stringbetween return all occurences it will find. You can make this simple test. #include <array.au3> $source='^test1^blabla^test2^blabla^test3^blabla^test4^blabla^test5^blabla' $aRes=_StringBetween($Source,'^','^') _ArrayDisplay($aRes) For your source I don't now what's happening but test like this : #include <array.au3> $Source = BinaryToString(InetRead('')) $aRes=_StringBetween($Source,'^','^') _ArrayDisplay($aRes) If the problem persist make a paste of your source code's..


when i am trying to access #include i am getting?

First you need to download FF.au3 and put it in the same dir as your script or the autoit include files dir. Then you need to download and install MozRepl Don't forget to start MozRepl. FF-menu: Extras/Menu or check there 'Activate on startup'. ..

Having trouble splitting a string with _StringExplode

Provided code returns string3 string4 as expected; you are not doing anything wrong. Displaying returned array may help to understand its structure: #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global Const $aTest = _StringExplode('string1 string2 - string3 string4', ' - ') MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, 'Title', $aTest[1]) _ArrayDisplay($aTest) Edit: Alternatively StringSplit can be used:..

Scripting Languages Advise


for GUI automation, I switched to Sikuli now

how to call autoit functions through protractor script?


Instead of opening the notepad and copying a text from it (which itself introduces a dependency and make the testing much less reliable), read the file directly from javascript (you can do it in, for example, onPrepare() function in your protractor config) - fs module should help here, see: Read..

autoit: Add more seconds to Sleep() from a user inputted variable

I believe the &000 is being treated like a string and being ignored, so you are probably getting only 5000 + the number the user enters. Try changing the Sleep command to this and see if it helps: Sleep(5000+($delaySeconds*1000)) The line above takes the number entered by the user and..

Capture the “+” key using autoit

Take a look at Send Auto Keys List The character of the send is the same as logging it. AutoIT is a very nice language and I don't think you should abandon it if your code doesn't work the first time. HotKeySet('{NUMPADADD}', 'reactionFunction') While 1 ;a loop WEnd Func reactionFunction()..

How to navigate a vertical tab control using AutoIt


I have been unable to find a function that can do this, but I am able to accomplish this through using the arrow keys. Once I've determined the tab that I'm on using ControlCommand('window', 'text', 'tabControl', 'CurrentTab', ') and compare that to the index of the tab I need to..

Autoit button not running a function

button,user-interface,autoit Free juno vst.

In order to use OnEvent GUI functionality, you need to set this: Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) ..

Not able to select Menu items in NASPT Exerciser using pywinauto


This is .NET application. pywinauto has very limited support of .NET controls. So you need to use Windows UI Automation API for such toolbar. Precisely InvokePattern should help with pressing toolbar button. Or you may try to click button by hard coded coordinates like that: app.IntelNASPerformanceToolkitExerciser.Children()[54].ClickInput(coords=(300, 10)) This hard-coding way..

Script working in Windows 7 but not working in windows 8?


actually it is not issue with script script is fine.might be the web page you are using is not a standard web page.i have tested the script it is working fine. _FF_AutoLogin($uName,$pwd,$url) (or) _FFSetValue($uName,$formUID,'id') _FFSetValue($pwd,$formPID,'id') (Or) _FFSetValueById($formUID,$uName) _FFSetValueById($formPID,$pwd)( or) $sObject &= '.document.getElementById('passwordInput')' $sObject ='.getElementById(' & $formUID & ')' _FFCmd($sObject &..

Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr Software

Autoit GUICtrlRead not returning the value

The OP has indicated on the autoit web site that this was a user problem and has been corrected. Forum Post..

Using third-party library in py2exe single EXE file

Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr Installer


Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr Download

If you don't need to pass command line arguments to your exe you can try the steps suggested at The basic idea is to bundle your exe with the required dll's etc using NSIS (Nullsoft Install System). When your exe is run, it will unpack everything into the temporary..